
We are currently accepting proposals for the 2025 Babalon Rising Festival. Please apply here.

Below, you will find information related to the 2024 festival. Check back in Jan 2025 for updates.

Bill Duvendack - 2024 Keynote

Right Reverend Bill Duvendack is an internationally known astrologer, psychic, presenter, teacher, tarot reader, and author. He has presented in many venues, ranging from colleges and high schools to national and international conferences. He is the author of over twenty published books on modern spirituality, with more soon to be released. Over five dozen essays of his have been published in various anthologies, and his magical writings have been translated into seven languages. He regularly teaches digital courses on magick, astrology, and modern spirituality. He has been interviewed by the NY Times, RTE 1, and has made many TV and radio appearances. For more information about him, please consult his website: 

Scott Stenwick

Scott Stenwick is the author of the Mastering Enochian Magick series from Pendraig Publishing and has practiced John Dee and Edward Kelley's Enochian magical system for more than thirty years. He has presented on Enochian and Thelemic magick at Paganicon, Leaping Laughter OTO in Minneapolis, and the national convention of Ordo Templi Orientis. He is also a longtime magick blogger, updating and maintaining the Augoeides blog since 2006.

He is a Thelemite and was initiated into Ordo Templi Orientis in 1995. He currently serves as Master of Leaping Laughter Lodge, as an ordained EGC Priest and Deacon, and as a chartered OTOr initiator. In addition to his Enochian series, he has contributed to several magick anthologies and publications. He also runs a regular ritual magick class at the Minneapolis OTO lodge that is a public event open to practitioners and seekers of all skill levels.

He grew up in the Twin Cities area and lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota where he works as a software developer and information technology consultant. He has dedicated much of his life to the experimental investigation of magical techniques and processes in order to advance the discipline and dispel its remaining mysteries. 

Clair Hartshorne

Bio coming soon!


I've been practicing Magick for several years. I focus on energy work and manifestation through energy. I have been attending BR for the last several years and am excited qt the prospect of being able to help educate and spread the word.

Magdalena Knight

Magdalena Knight is an Urban Tantrika, professional Cuddlist, and Qadishti at large with 15 years experience in ecstatic states, breathwork, embodiment, sacred touch, and somatic experiencing. 


Phainolis is a scholar and practitioner of ancient Greco-Egyptian theurgy. He recently completed a PhD in the History of Religions and teaches classes on ancient languages, philosophy, mythology, ritual practice, and other esoteric topics. He is the author of the forthcoming book, Interlinear Magic: An Anthology of the Greco-Egyptian Magical Papyri (PGM). A longtime enthusiast of dead languages, game design, and esoteric forms of religion, he has been practicing for more than two decades, while focusing in the last 15 years on the ancient traditions of Egypt and Greece. His long-term historical research aims to reconstruct the Greco-Egyptian theurgic practice of Iamblichus and his followers. His work can be found on the internet at (free to join) and

Shane ShadowEater

Since ShadowEater's workshop at last year's Babalon Rising, he has completed initiation and  men's circle facilitator training. Now he's stoked to help you explore the Emperor's shadow that is in each of us.

Re DuVernay

Re DuVernay has presented at Babalon Rising in the past, as well as at Detroit Pagan Pride, and many smaller gatherings, and has been leading public rituals on and off for over a decade now, but Babalon Rising is her favorite.

Re is a 3rd Degree Alexandrian High Priestess, leading a small coven out of Kalamazoo Michigan. She also has some association with a few other orders, but does not consider herself to be a "member" of them in the strictest sense.

Re's rituals range from very traditional things you would expect to see from an Alexandrian Wiccan to work with pop culture archetypes, that most would consider to be Chaos Magick. 


Cohost of Administrism, plant biologist, obsessed with ecological aspects


Skella has over 20 years of practicing the subtle arts and has been a member of numerous magickal groups and initiatory organizations including the Illuminates of Thanateros and The Society of the Headless. 

G. Antra

Spiritual occultist, and experimental magician specializing in divination, ritual building, energy work, and art.

Laurelei Black

Laurelei Black is a hedge-rider, a Cunning Woman, a traveler on the crooked path. She is a priestess of love and pleasure, an Ishtar-woman, an Aphrodite-woman. She is a friend to daemons and a mate to the Red God. A bone collector; a temple dancer. A daughter of Avalon.

Laurelei is the author of over dozen books on Aphrodisian and Witchcraft practice, a co-Director and frequent presenter at the Babalon Rising Festival, a co-host of the Water Priestess Confluence and the  Bewitching the Waters Symposium, a co-owner of Midian Events and also of Driftwood Tiny Retreats, and the proud proprietress of Asteria Books & Events and also of Blade & Broom.